Individual sessions

Mental and physical healing
through the power of
the subconscious

Healing of the body, mind and the soul

Whether the issue you experience is emotionally related (anger, anxiety, sadness, addictions) or body related (physical symptoms, illness), true healing involves looking at it holistically – body, mind and soul.

In these sessions, we start from where you are and, tapping into your subconscious, we work our way through these three layers, affecting them so that they all start working towards your healing.

Take a look at my main offerings to see if one of it fits for you: “Life Coaching", and “Medical Hypnosis”, whereas the specific programs “Weight Loss with Hypnosis”and ”Life crises Management” belong to “Life Coaching”..

Also, if you become interested in getting to know yourself and the roots of your topics deeper, I’ll be happy to become a guide for you in the longer-term program “DeHypnosis for Inner Freedom”. Think of it as a deprogramming journey that helps you leave behind the unhealthy patterns in your life – a sort of “general cleaning” that prepares you for a fuller, more joyful, more creative, more full-of-love life.

Please scroll down to the bottom of this page. There you can read some client’s reviews.

for further information about the different methods, please visit the FAQ page.

Available programs for individual sessions

1a) Life Coaching

Take these sessions if you suffer from emotional issues (like anger, anxiety or sadness/feeling depressed) or addictions (like food/overweight, smoking, porn) and would like to restore a state of well being.

1b) Weight loss with hypnosis

Enough experience with Jojo? Diets are not suitable if you want to lose weight and maintain that weight loss. A more profound method is needed, that takes the subconscious into account to get you back to your natural physical awareness and sense of satiety.

1c) Life crises management

Do you feel overwhelmed by a change in your life circumstance?

  • a partner breaking up,

  • confronting illness or loss in the family,

  • unnecessary burden from the past becoming too heavy

… and you would like to restore a sense of peace and of resourcefulness, an ability to flow again (vs. being stuck) and enjoy life.

2) Medical Hypnosis

Take these sessions if you suffer from physical ailments like heart diseases, sleeping disorders, chronic pain, neurological diseases, irritable bowel syndrome.

In addition to the medical support you might be already getting, these sessions will get your subconscious (and by that, your mind and soul) working for you, resulting in a strong support for your healing.

3) DeHypnosis for Inner Freedom

Solving old patterns from the past does not only give you more freedom and relaxation but also an understanding of how to implement it in your life in general.

The energy which has been used to repress the causes for your old patterns is set free and easily can be used for creativity, for your work, for your partnership and for more joy in your life.


More details about the individual sessions

  • Our journey together starts with a free introductory session of 30 minutes. No commitment is necessary, just a genuine curiosity and interest in how this work can help you.

  • A package contains 3 or 5 sessions (the first ones should be on a weekly base), which is on average the support I noticed people need in this kind of situations.

  • If booking one package doesn’t feel comfortable, please know that you also have the option to simply take one session and decide afterwards.

  • However, there are many factors which influence the duration of the work (the severity of the health issue, whether the person has done inner exploration before, his/her openness to this kind of work). Depending of these, I might suggest more or less sessions.

  • One session lasts approx. 75 minutes. Please be aware that health insurances don't pay anything at all for this. There is a discount available for students.

  • The session are currently mainly avaiable as online session. 

  • Please check the longer-term program “DeHypnosis for Inner Freedom” and its pre-interview separately, as other terms and prices apply to it. Its duration is one year.

Sessions no matter where you are

Thanks to the internet, sessions and meetings can nowadays easily take place online - and this from all over the world. The pandemic has clearly intensified this process.

Zoom, Skype or similar platforms are safe and stable solutions and easily offer a relaxed as well as concentrated session. In this case, both the client and the therapist have more flexibility when choosing a date and time and there is no need for you to travel to see me. The sense of a “direct” contact immediately sets in. I have been using it already for many years and I know how well it combines flexibility with effectiveness.

Scientific research about the efficiency of online-psychotherapy

The results regarding efficiency of online-psychotherapy can easily be conveyed to online-coaching and online-consultations. Listed below are two recent examples.

  • Videoconferencing is an accessible and effective modality for therapy delivery.

Thomas N, McDonald C, de Boer K: Review of the current empirical literature on using videoconferencing to deliver individual psychotherapies to adults with mental health problems
Psychology and Psychotherapy 2021; 94(3)

  • We did not detect any notable differences between the intervention and control groups in terms of other effectiveness outcomes.

Tönnies J, Hartmann M, Wensing M: Mental Health Specialist Video Consultations Versus Treatment-as-Usual for Patients With Depression or Anxiety Disorders in Primary Care: Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial
Journal of Medical Internet Research - Mental Health 2021; 8(3)

“Hypnosis online?? Does it work?” Online hypnosis works pretty well and sometimes it is even easier to perform than live hypnosis.