Live courses

Online and in-person courses

Easy meditation and selfhypnosis

“Finally” you would like to start meditating but don’t know how to do so?
OR You are already a “meditation expert”, but you’re struggling with keeping a regularity to it?

HypnoMed offers regularly 2 live courses - one of which takes place online, the other on site in Mallorca. Occasionally there are also other courses, you will be informed about them in the newsletter (click here to sign up for the newsletter).

“Meditation beginners” will be supported in their first steps in the meditation world and the “advanced” ones in keeping the regularity of their meditation.

Please scroll down to the bottom of this page. There you can read some participant’s reviews.

The live courses currently offered:

Transformation process
OSHO® Heart Meditation
Online course: from € 70,- 

A "different" way of dealing with suffering through a revolutionary transformation from chaos to inner peace on 9 meditation evenings.

Healthy through meditation
Year's training in Mallorca
In-person course: from € 750,-

This is a 4 day meditation retreat.
Having a relaxed time in a beautiful, colorful, southern European location.



Ratings & reviews for Nidal Moughrabi

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